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Technical Support

If you encounter any technical issues while using our Learning Management System, you can contact our superhero support staff, Wazeer or Gershwin for assistance. Their contact details are:

Wazeer Small

  Email: wazeer.small@westerncape.gov.za
  Phone: 021 900 5017

Gershwin Knozer

  Email: gershwin.knozer@westerncape.gov.za
  Phone: 021 900 5036

Alternatively, you can browse our Frequently Asked Questions for a possible solution.

Frequently Asked Questions

CONNECT@CTLI is an online learning platform for providing online learning content to registered users.

The CTLI online learning platform supports the following browsers:


  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Edge
  • Internet Explorer 11 is NOT supported!
  • MobileSafari
  • Google Chrome
The following browsers are NOT supported:
  • Safari 7 and below

On the login page, use the "forgot password" feature to reset your password. You will receive an email with a link to reset your password. If you do not receive an email, contact the support staff for assistance.

CONNECT@CTLI is a platform for delivering online learning course content to registered users. The online training can be done at your own pace (within the course specific time-frames), on any device with a supported web browser, from any location with an internet connection.

Each course will have a specific teacher assigned. You can contact the teacher on the course forums, or send an email to the teacher, as listed in the course details. If you cannot contact your course teacher, please contact the support staff.

Yes, you can use a tablet or phone (must be a smart phone) to access content on CONNECT@CTLI, although a phone limit your experience due to the small screen size.

No, at this stage there is no installable app for CONNECT@CTLI. To access the platform, use any supported web browser.